Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Metal and steel construction, Staircase, Parapet, Sheet metal working, ...

Köpfer Metallbau AG

St. Johanns-Ring 116, 4056 Basel

Now open until 17:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Basel, Im Wasenboden
2 Tram Basel, Waldighoferstrasse
3 Tram Basel, Mülhauserstrasse
4 Tram Basel, St. Johanns-Tor
5 Tram Basel, Felix Platter-Spital
6 Bus Basel, Erasmusplatz
7 Tram Basel, Kannenfeldplatz
8 Tram Basel, Im Westfeld
9 Tram Basel, Johanniterbrücke
10 Bus Basel, Metzerstrasse
11 Bus Basel, Thomaskirche
12 Bus Basel, Kinderspital
13 Tram Basel, Strassburgerallee
14 Bus Basel, Ensisheimerstrasse
15 Köpfer Metallbau AG
16 Tram Basel, Burgfelderplatz
17 Tram Basel, Universitätsspital
18 Bus Basel, Blotzheimerstrasse
19 Car park (available) City
20 Bus Basel, Buschweilerweg
21 Bus Basel, Bernoullianum
22 Tram Basel, Hegenheimerstrasse
23 Tram Basel, Pilgerstrasse
24 Car park (almost full) Storchen
25 Tram Basel, Schifflände
26 Tram Basel, Marktplatz
27 Tram Basel, Spalentor
28 Tram Allschwil, Lindenplatz
29 Parking garage Ahornhof
30 Tram Basel, Birmannsgasse
31 Tram Basel, Allschwilerplatz
32 Tram Basel, Morgartenring
33 Tram Basel, Universität