Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz Kanton Basel-Stadt

Bruderholzstrasse 20, 4053 Basel

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Tram Basel, Grellingerstrasse
2 Parking lot Zoo
3 Bus Basel, J. Burckhardt-Strasse
4 Parking lot Zoo
5 Tram Basel, Markthalle
6 Tram Basel, Zoo
7 Parking lot
8 Tram Basel, Bahnhof SBB
9 Tram Basel, Denkmal
10 Parking garage Elsässertor
11 Tram Basel, Karl Barth-Platz
12 Railway Basel SBB
13 Car park (available) Centralbahn
14 Bus Basel, Hirzbodenweg
15 Parking garage Postzentrum
16 Tram Basel, IWB
17 Parking lot
18 Car park (available) Bahnhof Süd
19 Tram Basel, Grosspeterstrasse
20 Parking garage
21 Tram Basel, Bhfeingang Gundeldingen
22 Parking garage Südpark
23 Tram Basel, Peter-Merian
24 Bus Basel, Grosspeteranlage
25 Bus Basel, Frobenstrasse
26 Tram Basel, Solothurnerstrasse
27 Tram Basel, Margarethen
28 Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz Kanton Basel-Stadt
29 Bus Basel, Winkelriedplatz
30 Parking garage Coop
31 Tram Basel, Münchensteinerstrasse
32 Tram Basel, Tellplatz
33 Bus Basel, Kunsteisbahn
34 Tram Basel, Heiliggeistkirche
35 Bus Basel, Thiersteinerschule
36 Tram Basel, Bruderholzstrasse
37 Parking lot
38 Bus Basel, Falkensteinerstrasse
39 Tram Basel, Zwinglihaus
40 Parking lot
41 Tram Basel, MParc
42 Tram Basel, Mönchsbergerstrasse
43 Railway Basel Dreispitz
44 Tram Basel, Wolfschlucht
45 Tram Basel, Dreispitz